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The New Little Black Dress

Let me introduce you to my new best friend this LBD that is making me feel divine. Every mama knows after having babies your body just isn’t the same. Things just aren’t as tight and toned if ya know what I mean, but thats totally okay cause I got my man for New Years Eve. I’m letting my […]

5 Things Every New Mom Should Know

Ive been a mother for almost 4 years now, which kinda seams like a blip in time and a lifetime all at once. As a new mom I couldn’t count the times I said, “how come no one told me about this?” Motherhood was nothing like I thought it would be and my baby was not exactly […]

How To STAY Married With Children

This was a hard post to write because we’re so not perfect and we probably argue a little too much. But It’s things like this that I know need to be talked about. I have a masters in psychology and I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist but I should not be put on any marital […]

Decking Our Halls

Christmas is so fun with kids! This year is the first year that Waylon actually understands what Christmas is;  I’m hoping this year to help him grasp the real meaning of Christmas…i.e. Jesus, the manger, salvation. We started this December off with new traditions like The Giving Manger, putting our old fake tree up in Waylon’s room […]

Home Tour

Last week I had the honor of showing our home off on Glitter Guide’s new site. A home tour is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time but kept putting off with excuses like, “our home isn’t finished yet” or “it’s just not that unique”. But then I realized that our home is […]

Weekend Update: Links I Love

It seams since our youngest was born our weekends have been crammed full with events, outings, and things on our to do list…which is mostly my fault (I thrive on productivity, socializing, and adventuring). But I see the good in slow days and time spent in our little home. I’m resolving now (before the new […]

Holiday Gift Guide: Her

It’s that time of year again where everyone makes lists! Lists of things to get done, lists of food to make, lists of parties to attend and my favorite…gifts to give. I absolutely love giving gifts and seeing all the new things designers are making. So I thought it would be fun to put together a list […]

Black Friday Deals

I love to shop it’s no secret in my family but now that I’m a mother of two it’s a lot harder to get out and about. Online shopping has become even more essential to me as it probably is to a lot of mamas out there. So I wanted to share some great Black […]

Fit Mama: Running With Orbit Baby

After my 6 week check up I hit the ground running…literally. Running has always been my favorite exercise because you can do it anywhere. I found that while I run I see things I normally wouldn’t take the time to look, it clears my mind, and boosts endorphins. One of the best things about running […]

Life Lately

My life lately has been mostly filled with moments of joy and baby bliss as well as some sleepless nights and end of day moments that I feel depleted with nothing left to give. I know all of these feelings are normal and that the bad ones will fade. I’m practicing the art of staying […]