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Ezekiel Charles Powers

With joy and a great feeling of gratitude, I would like to officially introduce you to my second son Ezekiel Charles Powers. He came into this world September 4th, 2015 at 4:30am, weighing 7lbs 5oz. and measuring 20inches long of pure beautiful boy. His name means “God strengthens”; which is exactly what I felt when we decided on […]

Summer Highlights

As we wait for our new little one to make his appearance (he’s now 2 days late), I’m filling my time by keeping busy and snuggling with Waylon as much as possible. Although we just had a heatwave in San Diego, I’m nostalgic for fall. I find myself daydreaming of picking out pumpkins with two children […]

Creatures & Features: Waylon Makes a Monster Tee

Guys let me clue you in on something awesome that’s about to hit…Creatures & Features! This little company is ran by an extremely creative couple with two adorable kids that like my own love to pave their own way. Their fight for creativity and allowing kids to be artistic in their own way has […]

Mindfulness and Parenting

As a marriage and family therapist I know there is a whole bag of tricks when it comes to treating anxiety. Deep breathing, counting, visualizing a safe place….these are all great tools, but what I have found to be the most effective for my clients and myself is learning the skill of mindfulness. Mindfulness seems to […]

Dressing The Bump: 37 Weeks

The sweetest thing happened when I tried on this dress. I walked out of my room and my 3 year old son gasped, “whoa!” He’s never commented on what I’ve worn before so I asked him, “Do I look pretty?” “Yesssssth”, he said with all eyes on me. That’s a “queen of the house” kind […]

Camp Pow Wow

We ventured out past our bed times last night and had some fun at the Camp Pow Wow event in San Diego hosted by Gunn & Swain, Camp Wolf, Dulcet Creative, Pow Wow Design Studio and Neighborhood Collective. It was such a fun event for families; I hope they do it again so I can […]

Craft Time with Happy Heart Kid

It’s been a long two weeks of Waylon being sick, then passing it onto me as most kids do. Our summer fun plans that consisted of beach days, park outings, and pool time have been put on hold until we kick this cold! These crafts and activities from Happy Heart Kid came at the right […]

Room Tour: Making Room for Baby

In our home we spend most of our time in the living room and kitchen, but there is something sacred about your bedroom where you rest your head and occasionally relax. Thats probably why I love making these spaces clean and comfortable. When we designed our home and built it, it was very important to […]

The Holidays Camp Community

Some friends of mine had the genius idea to restore 3 vintage “Shasta” trailers and create a camp community in San Clemente, Ca. I can’t say enough of how great this little camping community is. Who doesn’t want to stay in a beautifully preserved time machine and feel totally connected to our parents and grandparent’s generation?! […]

Strong Healthy Smart : Mommi Products

It’s an understatement that moms are busy. Some days I’m so busy (or just tired) that I just end up eating my son’s left-overs at meal time. When Mommi asked me to review their “Mommi 3-in-1 product” I jumped on it! Each self-serving packet combines all essential prenatal vitamins with 15 grams of premium whey protein […]