I had this new idea to jot down 5 things I’ve learn or relearned each month with of course a bunch of photos we’ve taken but haven’t shown ya cause long gone are the days of overgraming on Instagram and my Facebook page basically has cobwebs on it…. so here are the 5 things that made the biggest impression on me during the month of October:
- Sometimes you just can’t pull together a creative/cute family Halloween costume and it’s totally okay… We can be the Goldberg’s next year (seriously google this family or watch them on Hulu). PS your kids will thank you for letting them choose their own costumes no matter how ordinary or generic they are.
- Collagen in my coffee has transformed my skin, hair and joints! I like Bubs Naturals Collagen and MCT oil powder…. try it you will thank me.
- There are sacred seasons in life where you just can’t keep producing and working at your optimal level because you weren’t meant to at this time. Take a breath, be quiet, take in your surroundings, search for beauty and inspiration off line and find joy in the anticipation of your next endeavor because it will come soon enough and new things will flow from you (preaching to myself here).
- Not saying everything I’m thinking to my husband has helped my marriage this month. We also discovered that date night is so much better when you drink wine together before dinner… we had the best date ever!
- Being vulnerable is easier to talk about then to actually feel but its in the feeling and doing that change happens in your character. I launched an ecourse this month on “how to find your voice and make your passions profitable” and I never thought about how scary it would be to produce something and then ask people to buy it….FREAKING SCARY but so GOOD! It’s taught be a lot about myself, people, the world and where I need to be headed in my career. There’s so much more good to come even though parts of it look scary still. So I guess I’m saying just put yourself out there and do the thing you’ve been wanting to do….regret is scarier than failure.
On Me:
Hats: GiGi Pip / Dress: Allegra Luca / Blouse: Amae / Bathing Suit: Mei Lange / Shorts: Birdwell Beach Britches / Earrings: Madewell / Sunglasses: Diff Eyewear
On Ruby:
Blanket: Rylee & Cru / Bonnets: Quincy Mae, Honey Bonnet / Onesie: Loved Baby
On Zeke:
Shorts: Seaesta Surf / Tee: Fin & Vince
On Waylon:
Birdwell Beach Britches and Microkickboard Skooter
2 Responses
Thank you Brianna! You’re the best! I’m glad you like this new series!