Most mornings I feed Waylon the same boring thing; Joes’ s O’s, or a fig bar since those are the only things his two year old tastebuds want these days. Today I felt inspired and whipped up some Frankentoast, green slime smoothy and a slice of apple boo.
It took me all of 10 minutes too. I should note that my creative attempts did not entice my son to eat out of his comfort zone yet. Instead he just added his own creation to it and pour the green slime smoothy all over everything. Ha!
1) I used Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin Bread because it’s healthy with no preservatives and tastes so good.
2) Cut one piece into a square and the other piece cut in half with zig zags at one end, cover in jelly. You can use O’s or blueberries for eyes and an orange or clementine piece for the mouth.
3) Ingredients for green slime smoothy: 2 slices of watermelon, 5 chunks of pineapple, a handful of kale, 8 oz. of coconut water, 2tbsp of chia seeds.
5) And white pumpkins are so fun to draw on with a Sharpie.
H A p P y H a L L o w E E N !