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The Embodied Woman Program

The Embodied Woman Program

Four years ago I was escorted off an airplane due to a severe panic attack.  I had tried everything in my therapeutic tool kit to calm my body down but my nervous system was not having it. I was locked up in my body, operating 99.9% out of masculine energy and white-knuckling life. My husband […]

Women’s Divine Feminine Trip: Paris-Provence 2023

UPDATE: Fill out the form below to get on the waitlist for next years Divine Feminine France Trip: I’m planning my next women’s healing trip! I only do one of these trips a year and they are near and dear to my heart as are all the women I get to meet and travel with. […]

The Embodied Mama

You might have heard this term thrown around a bit lately and be wondering what it really means. It’s okay I didn’t really know what it was a few years ago either. I thought it was just a term yogis threw around. I was very enlightened when I was trained in Nonlinear Movement by Michaela […]

Coming out Feminist

Something shifted in me when Roe vs. Wade was overturned. I’ve never had an abortion nor would it be my first choice for an unwanted pregnancy but that does not give me the right to legislate another woman’s body. I remember being a 13 year old female growing up in the 90’s purity culture and […]