Last week I had the honor of showing our home off on Glitter Guide’s new site. A home tour is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time but kept putting off with excuses like, “our home isn’t finished yet” or “it’s just not that unique”. But then I realized that our home is us and it’s got character. It may be small but it’s filled with the things that bring us comfort and joy and that is definitely worthy of showing you all! So it’s my pleasure to showcase our home to you photographed by the talented Taryn Kent with a few tidbits on how I decorate and where you can find similar items. You can head on over to for my full interview.
This is our master bedroom which has a great view of the ocean so we wanted to maximize that as much as we could. We put in large windows and decided to hang very little on our walls. This dresser was handed down to us from friends which was originally found at a thrift shop. I use a ceramic egg crate and fruit basket from Anthropologie to hold my earrings and bracelets. I love having an all white bed, it just brings me serenity. I also found the big beautiful crochet pillow at a local thrift store for $2. The Moses basket by Plum + Sparrow and our cosleeper was made by a friend. The bench at the end our bed was found at an antique store; it was an original bench from The Disneyland hotel in the 60’s. I talked the shop owner down to $50 and then laid a lambskin from Costco over it. My favorite thing in our room (aside from our bed) is our slanted bookshelves from Crate and Barrel. My goal for our room is to one day have a headboard or bed frame but in the mean time I am loving my hat gallery wall with my mirror found from Target.

Our living room is pretty much a “great room” meaning it’s the everything room. Our living area, our dining area and sometimes work area. I love that our kitchen opens up to the living room, I think it adds a very communal feel to our home. The artwork in our kitchen is famed paintings that my 3 year old did with water color and other hung sentimental items from family members. I love collecting Fiestaware so that is sprinkled in around our kitchen in fun areas that add a pop of color.
Table + Chairs: Walker Edison Furniture Company // Pillows: Mae Woven // Throw: Marshalls // Ritan Magazine Holder: Urban Outfitters // Midcentury Chair: Urban Outfitters // Fur Pillow: IKEA // Yucca Mat: Fawn + Cub // Moscow Mule Mugs: Target // Bath Mat: Urban Outfitters // Kitchen Stools: Target

Most of the items in the boys’ room have been found and renovated, thrifted or DIY’d. I’m a sucker for a good project so I have had a lot of fun making their room fun but inexpensive. Another really fun thing to add to your child’s room is a chalkboard wall. I painted the small wall behind Waylon’s door so it’s not too loud and in your face but presents a fun surprise when you walk in. I also love the $3.00 spice racks from IKEA and a cheap wine crate from the craft store to use as book holders.

That’s it! Thanks for taking the tour and peek inside our home.
Photography by Taryn Kent
4 Responses
so beautiful! i loved all the light and how fresh the space feels!
and i kept noticing all these amazing little details, like the towel holders on the wall (and your towels are amazing!! i am a bit obsessed with towels atm, maybe because beach time here is in full swing), and the brick for storing paintbrushes!
thanks for sharing, i SO love your home!
Thank you! My husband built the towel holder and the towels were from Marshalls a discount store and I found the brick and spray painted it. It’s so fun being inventive. 😉 Thanks for the sweet comments!
your home is beautiful! i’m super curious about your dress, the second one…lovely blue stripes
Thank you! Its from Neve and Hawk and it’s my fav too!