Hey guys and gals! This is episode 10 of the Sure, Babe Podcast! I’m so excited to see where this podcast will go in 2018 and I hope to dedicate more time towards it this year. To do so I created a Patreon account as a way to keep the podcast ad free. If you’d like to become a Patreon of mine I’d be humbled and so so grateful. You can click here to sign up and donate even just a dollar a month! Your funds will go towards babysitters ha ha and better sound equipment (hooray), which will help me be able to put more time into producing content with value and meaning on a weekly basis. To become a Patreon click here!
In this episode I interview Yvonne Chang a business and growth-focused creative leader with a diverse background in advertising, design, tech, media & sales. Yvonne is the Creative Strategy Director at Tumblr. She has also been the Creative/Art Director at Droga5, BBDO, Campfire and others and has made websites for The New York Times and M&M’S.
In episode 10 of Sure, Babe we discuss the future of digital marketing, how to hone your craft and build and authentic brand while building trust with your consumer. We also talk about why the number of followers doesn’t matter, the biggest mistake you’re making on your online platforms and how to work with brands and create content with lasting impact.
Click here to find out more about Yvonne Chang.
…And without further adieu click here to listen to this episode and find out how to hone your craft and build an authentic brand without getting discouraged.