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Life Lately And How I Carry It All

Life Lately And How I Carry It AllI have been working on living in “the moment” and I’m starting to feel the effects. The result of living in the present moment is more joy and gratitude. I’m more grateful for what I’ve been given and less distracted by what other’s have. Life lately has been full of unexpected joys as we learn how to be a family of four. Waylon has taken his roll as big brother like a champ. Aside from him being the drool police, I can’t complain about his transition. I’m pretty proud of him. Zeke is almost crawling and gets anywhere he wants by propping his chunky body up on all fours and rocking back and fourth with a courageous lunge here and there. Sam got a new surfboard and has been praying for epic surf. I’m enjoying motherhood, travel, work and cherishing these moments with my boys because we have it pretty good.

On the weekends when the sun comes out here in San Diego we are usually at the beach. We try not to stress about having everything planned out and have found that our favorite beach days are actually the ones we don’t plan. Either way I’ve found that being prepared with outdoor essentials is key. I have been using my Haruhonpo backpacks nonstop for the past month and it’s made my life so much easier. These diaper bags can now be found on and too! Each bag is equipped with every pocket and compartment you could need. They’re lightweight, breathable and so fun. Being a mother on the go I’ve found that backpacks are my favorite kind of bag for carrying it all. The contents in my bag usually include: Sun Bum sunscreen, snacks, diapers, wipes, phone, water bottle, lip gloss, sunglasses, teethers, toy cars, wallet, protein bar and gum. Keeping a bag full of the essentials helps me be prepared without having to plan too much.

Here are some of my favorite moments from the past month and a look inside my bag.

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Here is a literal look inside my bag. My favorite part about these backpacks are the hidden pockets in the back and in the inside liner. One of these pockets inside is even lined with plastic material for dirty diapers or anything messy….and messes happen a lot around these parts.

Life Lately And How I Carry It AllLife Lately And How I Carry It AllLife Lately And How I Carry It AllLife Lately And How I Carry It AllLife Lately and How I Carry It All Life Lately and How I Carry It All Life Lately and How I Carry It All Life Lately and How I Carry It All Life Lately and How I Carry It All Life Lately and How I Carry It All Life Lately and How I Carry It AllLife Lately and How I Carry It All

Backpacks: Haruhonpo USA available at and Bracelet: Mending Malas-Helping mothers who are grieving the loss of a child // Stoller: Orbit Baby // Sunscreen: Sun Bum // Carrier: Ergobaby


*This is a sponsored post for Haruhonpo USA , but don’t worry all thoughts are my own. 

2 Responses


      The Real Person!

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      Thank you so much Andi!

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