Ch. 8 & 9: Ego Stories + Trauma Bonds
…”The damn dishes!” Have you ever been triggered by something like a pile of dirty dishes? I certainly have. Periodically when I walk through our garage my nervous system responds to the clutter and mess by sending me into FIGHT….like literally I want to fight someone or just throw everything out on the driveway with […]
Ch. 6 & 7: The Power Of Belief + Meet Your Inner Child
Oh the stories we tell ourselves…. they are powerful, so powerful they can shape our entire future if we’re not aware that they are just a STORY! What stories have you told yourself about yourself? I used to tell myself that I was only GOOD if I was a “good girl” that “saved people from […]
Ch. 4 & 5: Trauma Body + Mind-Body Healing Practices
While reading about the trauma body in chapter 4 I had many flashbacks back to my childhood and other times in my life when my body seemed to fail me….or was it? I used to see my panic attacks and fainting spells as a bodily curse but now I see them as gifts or messages from my body tell me something very important.
Ch. 3 A New Theory Of Trauma
We all carry unresolved trauma. As we’ve seen, it’s not necessarily the severity of the event itself but our response to it that determines the imprint it makes…..When we do the work of resolving trauma. we can become more resilient. In fact, these experiences can become catalysts for profound transformation. -Dr. Nicole LaPera I have […]
Ch 2 The Conscious Self: Becoming Aware
How mind-blown are you after reading Chapter 2 of “How To Do The Work”? This chapter painted the picture well of how we stay stuck in reactive cycles of old programing. Like the client Jessica was trapped in her cycle of reactivity for years due to repressed grief, believing her thoughts, and a disconnection to […]
Ch. 1: You Are Your Own Best Healer
Alright my wellness book lovers and Sure Babe book club members here are your questions from Chapter One of “How To Do The Work” by Dr. Nicole LePera. I hope you enjoyed the intro and first chapter as much as I did. I felt like it was balanced and very one point with how I […]
The Healing Book Club You Need!
Hi Friend, I’m happy you’re here. Being a human is hard right? I mean have you ever been yourself before? No, you haven’t. This is the first time you have ever been you! There is no book or education on how to do life perfectly, probably because that’s impossible and boring. I’m happy to report […]
Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.
All too often our so-called strength comes from fear, not love; instead of having a strong back, many of us have a defended front shielding a weak spine. In other words, we walk around brittle and defensive, trying to conceal our lack of confidence. If we strengthen our backs, metaphorically speaking, and develop a spine […]
Hold Hands With Strangers Chapter Review
Hey guys! Sorry It’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated this corner of my blog I love so much! The “Sure, Babe Book Club”… gosh I just love you all that are savoring this experience to go deeper with me into this book and into becoming more vulnerable, whole, and brave people. Sadly I […]
Speak Truth To Bullshit. Be Civil. Chapter 5 Book Review
“Someone who lies and someone who tells the truth are playing on opposite sides, so to speak, in the same game. Each responds to the facts as he understands them, although the response of the one is guided by the authority of the truth, while the response of the other defies that authority and refuses […]