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Weekend Reads

It was a busy week for us shooting photos in L.A. with Old Navy for their summer line. Let me tell you friend they have some fun stuff coming out so mark you calendars in May to check them out. This weekend will be a whole lotta catching up on normal life while celebrating Easter […]

Spring Memories

The last 4 weeks have been a month of celebrations. I turned 33, My grandmother turned 90, Waylon turned 3, we celebrated Easter with family and friends, and we found out we’re having another boy!  We celebrated Waylon turning 3 years old by having a few friends and family members over. I have to be […]

Easter Best

Easter is such a meaningful holiday for our family; it’s also becoming tons of fun too! Watching Waylon wake up to an Easter basket and hunt for eggs is bringing me back to my own special Easter Sundays as a child. So in preparation for this holiday of dressing up in our best, I played dress up with […]