Why Mothers Make the best entrepreneurs
It sounds like an oxymoron but when I become a mother I found more time to dream about what I really wanted to do. I was home with my new infant learning how to keep a human alive which was scary as all get out, but a few months into my new role I started […]
How To Know If Launching A Business Is Right For You
I’m guilty of looking at the careers of other’s and talking myself out of taking the next step because I’m afraid that it’s already been done, or that I’m not good enough or that there’s just not enough of the pie for me. Have you been there? You probably have, I think it’s a human […]
How I Balance Work, Life, and Motherhood
Okay I have to be completely honest before I write this…. I’m not a pro at balance. I actually believe balance is a unicorn; it’s impossible to remain balanced all the time and if you try you’ll end up stressing out even more. However over the last 7 years as I’ve built a business and […]