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The Embodied Woman Program

The Embodied Woman Program

Four years ago I was escorted off an airplane due to a severe panic attack.  I had tried everything in my therapeutic tool kit to calm my body down but my nervous system was not having it. I was locked up in my body, operating 99.9% out of masculine energy and white-knuckling life. My husband […]

Women’s Divine Feminine Trip: Paris-Provence 2023

UPDATE: Fill out the form below to get on the waitlist for next years Divine Feminine France Trip: I’m planning my next women’s healing trip! I only do one of these trips a year and they are near and dear to my heart as are all the women I get to meet and travel with. […]

Women’s Healing Adventure: Costa Rica

I’ve been meaning to write this blog post for a while since I took a group of women to Costa Rica on a healing adventure. It took me a while to process all the good that happened and of course life got a hold of me as soon as I landed back home. There were […]

Ch. 8 & 9: Ego Stories + Trauma Bonds

…”The damn dishes!” Have you ever been triggered by something like a pile of dirty dishes? I certainly have. Periodically when I walk through our garage my nervous system responds to the clutter and mess by sending me into FIGHT….like literally I want to fight someone or just throw everything out on the driveway with […]

Ch. 4 & 5: Trauma Body + Mind-Body Healing Practices

While reading about the trauma body in chapter 4 I had many flashbacks back to my childhood and other times in my life when my body seemed to fail me….or was it? I used to see my panic attacks and fainting spells as a bodily curse but now I see them as gifts or messages from my body tell me something very important.

My Journey with Anxiety: The Reckoning

Last week I wrote about my anxiety here for the first time and whoa it felt good. Thank you all for your supportive and loving comments, they meant so much to me and have encouraged me to keep sharing my story with you. So for about the last 5 years my anxiety that started as […]