Find Your Voice: A Mindful Approach To Making Your Passions Profitable
Have you ever felt like there was something else “out there” for you? Like you were meant for more or had the crazy idea that you could actually love your job and make money doing something you’re passionate about? Well we believe you CAN and that you were MEANT to make money with your inherent […]
How To Have A Healthy Relationship With Social Media
There is a current movement targeting bloggers and social media influencers for being part of the cause of the troubling increase in teen suicides, depression, and general decreased quality of life. I know this post might seem like I’m gratuitously joining the chorus. However, this has been on my heart for some time. This is […]
Links I Love
Hello weekend! It’s overcast and cloudy here and I love it. I’m currently typing this up while watching Zeke climb up and down on the couch. Old Mikey Mouse cartoons are playing on the tv to give me a free moment, my husband just refilled my coffee mug and things feel slow this morning, which […]