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Find Your Voice: A Mindful Approach To Making Your Passions Profitable

Have you ever felt like there was something else “out there” for you? Like you were meant for more or had the crazy idea that you could actually love your job and make money doing something you’re passionate about? Well we believe you CAN and that you were MEANT to make money with your inherent […]

#TogetherWeMother: Self Love

I love this series so much. I’ve been writing on the same topic with a collective group of women and it’s been so life-giving. This is our first #TogetherWeMother post for this year and the topic is Self Love. I thought about giving you some tips on balance and things I do to show myself […]

#togetherewemother: It takes a village

Palms sweating, short breaths, racing heart, a thousand volts of adrenaline running through my body and the most daunting thoughts running through my mind…that’s what panic feels like for me and it happens more than I like. Unfortunately as a marriage and family therapist I know that these are symptoms stem from a past trauma […]

Love, Risk, Relationships and Finding Your Joy

Whoa that’s a hefty title…not sure I can do it justice but it seems fitting for all that I want to convey. I do a lot of processing in the car these days. I listen to podcasts and process how bits of info  apply to my life. Today while en route home I was listening […]

There’s Going To Be A Baby

Our family is growing as well as my belly and there’s going to be a baby! Yep baby Powers #2 is due August 29th. I wanted to title this post “fear and loathing in the first trimester” since I’ve felt like a zombie the last couple months. We’ve been preparing Waylon to become a big brother […]

Love Actually

We live by a graveyard, not like creepy close to it but just close enough so that we might pass by it once or twice a day. I kind of like living next to this cemetery, it has provoked me to ponder more often on how short life is, how I don’t know the future, […]