Why Manifestion is NOT Woo Woo
When I say that I’m the last person who would learn about manifestation I mean it…I was so locked up in my evangelical Christian box that I would never consider how God could actually create with me. I felt like a puppet just waiting for the good and bad to happen to me and when […]
Holiday Your Heart Out!
This year we’re holidaying our hearts out… like adding that extra tinsel to the tree, wearing the heels with glitter sparkles on the heel, and just owning our own style a little bit more. We’re giving with more intention and really trying to understand why we give. Now trying to explain all this to kids […]
How To Keep The Flame Alive in Your Marriage
I’m thinking we can speak for the married with children masses when we say keeping the FLAME alive in your relationship is HARD! And that’s not just what she said ha ha… I had to (insert laugh crying emoji face here). Sam and I have started to open up more about our relationship on The […]
My journey with anxiety: The Beginning
Anxiety and I have become friends in the last month… strange I know but I’m done denying her presence in my life and I’m done trying to protect myself from fear, pain, and even joy. I never had anxiety before becoming a mother… depression yes I dealt with my share of depression, but it was […]
Seasons and Summer Ending
I went to bed last night feeling all sorts of emotions and they all came out today in the car while driving the coast and belting out “I am Moana” with my kids. The lightbulb went off and I realized that every time a season ends my heart feels heavy and I have to process […]
What Does Love Look Like In You?
This is kind of a strange question but I asked myself this today. I very good at loving my children and simi good at loving my husband (he tends the get the leftovers since we’re still in babydom) sorry Babe I’m working on this…but I’m not so good at loving myself. I go through ups […]
Love, Risk, Relationships and Finding Your Joy
Whoa that’s a hefty title…not sure I can do it justice but it seems fitting for all that I want to convey. I do a lot of processing in the car these days. I listen to podcasts and process how bits of info apply to my life. Today while en route home I was listening […]
Love Actually
We live by a graveyard, not like creepy close to it but just close enough so that we might pass by it once or twice a day. I kind of like living next to this cemetery, it has provoked me to ponder more often on how short life is, how I don’t know the future, […]