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Why Meditation Can Change Your Life

Meditation…seems like a buzz word these days. When I scroll through mediation podcasts there a meditation for everything: mediation for intimacy, meditation for forgiveness, shower meditation, self-love meditation and the list goes on. How does one choose which one to do or who to do it? Well in my opinion you can’t go wrong by […]

What is Anxiety anyways?

That nagging feeling that the other shoe is about to fall, the catastrophic thought that the plane might crash, a restlessness that keeps you up at night from a brain that won’t turn off…. all of these are symptoms of anxiety. I’ve felt these symptoms more then I’d like to admit. Learning where the root […]

A Positive Body Image Meditation: Releasing Shame From Your Body

It’s been a long road to loving and accepting my body. I can remember the first time I shamed my body; I was 5 years old and I thought all the girls in my kindergarten glass were prettier than I was. I attributed “pretty” with WORTH. I had a slightly stockier, muscular build and glasses….all […]

What Does Love Look Like In You?

This is kind of a strange question but I asked myself this today. I very good at loving my children and simi good at loving my husband (he tends the get the leftovers since we’re still in babydom) sorry Babe I’m working on this…but I’m not so good at loving myself. I go through ups […]

Links I Love

Hi friends! Now that the holidays are over we’ve fallen back into the comfort of routine. I’m going into this new year with intentions to slow down and create better quality work, spend more time playing with my kids and having meaningful conversations with friends. With that being said, this week kicked my behind…somehow that happens […]