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6 Ways to Wear A Peasant Skirt This Summer

My first thought when I saw this peasant skirt at Target was : “wow this is so cute, I could wear it so many different ways!” My second thought was: “Does it really matter? Is this really what I should be focused on and or share with others”. Then I remembered the word I kept […]

Mom Uniform Upgrade With 4 Basic Items

I received this comment on Instagram last week, “How do you look so effortlessly stylish as a mom?” I loved that comment and also laughed out loud when I read it cause nothing is effortless when you’re a mom. On any given weekday you can find me in workout wear and I’m totally okay with […]

My Summer Sale Wish List

It all started with a pair of shoes I found online today that were incredibly on sale which led to me making complete outfits of other incredibly on sale items that I think would be perfect for any summer wish list…. So here’s what I did during nap time today and I feel really good […]

My Favorite Swim Items From Target

I was at Target 3 times this week! Not really a shocker, you were probably there 3 times this week too ha ha. As I was strolling through the women’s swim isle I was blown away with all the adorable and chic swim designs they have this year. Target killed it this year with their […]

Summer Styles + The Jumper You’ll Want To Live In

I never want to forget that Memorial Day is a day to celebrate those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, but I also like to think it symbolizes the start of summer. Growing up my family would invite our whole church over for a swim party BBQ and I looked forward to it […]