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Tiny Travels: La Jolla

Welcome to Tiny Travels! I’m so excited about this new series because it combines two things I’m very passionate about: motherhood and travel. Before children I traveled all over; traveling opened the world up to me in a way I never knew existed. Relishing in the beauty of new places and cultures is something I want to pass on to my sons. I know traveling and children don’t always go together…I felt landlocked after I had my first son Waylon. However, once I started to put my cares aside (like how I look in public when he melts down…the fear of traffic…etc), I began to have fun no matter how challenging it was. My friend Isobel from and I bonded over our love for travel and exploring with our boys; it really was only a matter of time before we teamed up. Our hope is that Tiny Travels inspires you to see the world, explore your backyard, city or town and enjoy new experiences with your children no matter how hectic it may be. 

Tiny Travels: La JollaLA JOLLA ITINERARY

La Jolla is a hilly seaside community occupying 7 miles of curving coastline along the Pacific Ocean within the northern city limits.

Where We Went:

  • Juice Crafters
  • Tide Pools
  • Cuvier Park
  • The Children’s Pool
  • The Cave Store
  • Sunny Jim’s Cave

La Jolla Travel Tips:

Parking can be tough so find a spot and then bring your stroller/scooter/carrier…. If you walk all the way along the coast from the Tide Pools to the Cave Store it can be a long walk for little ones so make sure to bring snacks.

Places to Eat:

Cuvier Park and Ellen Browning Scripps are great picnic spots along the ocean. If you want to grab a bite to eat in town, we recommend Burger Lounge or Puesta.

Also Check Out:

  • Fly at Kite at Ellen Browning Scripps park
  • Bark at the Sea Lions at La Jolla Cove
  • Museum of Contemporary Art


Juice Crafters: Located on 935 Silverado St, La Jolla, CA 92037

We came here for fresh juices and smoothies and we were not disappointed. It’s a small storefront so be prepared that not many people and or strollers can fit at one time. However there’s a fun and laid-back seating area out front with wide windows and a hip vibe that’s family friendly. Their “Pacific Love” smoothie is the most most popular, but there is also a wide variety of cold press juices and snacks foods as well…oh and free “fancy water” in the corner which is all my son Waylon wanted.


Tiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La Jolla


Tide Pools:

There is something magical when the tide draws back revealing elements of ocean life. Waylon and Holden and even our littlest boys Grey and Zeke loved exploring the rocks, hermit crabs, sea anemones down here. There is some maneuvering involved with the rocks, but just watch your step and keep off the slick green stuff (seaweed) and you’ll be fine. There’s a lot to see and take in here; make sure to check the tide before you go.

Tiny Travels: La JollaLaJollaChrissy&Isobel-PalomaLisaPhotography-117Tiny Travels: La Jolla

Tiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La Jolla
Tiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La Jolla


Cuvier Park:

This spot is a hidden gem; a little carved out grassy nook overlooking the Pacific ocean. There couldn’t be a more idyllic picnic spot, except for the seagulls-watch out for these lunch stealing birds. Holden and Waylon had us covered and scared them away with growls and roars…although my Bumbleride stroller got pooped on, it wasn’t anything a baby-wipe couldn’t handle. Once we packed up lunch we were surprised by the proudest new dog owner and his adorable puppy. We all got a pet and kiss from this precious pup along with a dose of puppy fever.

Tiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La Jolla


The Children’s Pool:

After lunch we packed up the strollers, grabbed the boy’s Microkickboard scooters, strapped on our Ergo baby carriers and headed to see the harbor seals. A few quick tips…you’re most likely to see a live birth of a harbor seal pup between February 4 and March 4 of any given year. You’re most likely to see the greatest number of seals on the beach between April 24 and June 6 and you’re least likely to see any seals on the beach between 8am and 6pm during the months of July, August, and September. We saw about a dozen in this location and it blew our boys’ minds. Waylon loved seeing them in their natural habitat. He waved to them and tried to communicate with his own seal-like sounds. On our walk/scoot back to the cars, an ice cream truck stopped just in time to give Waylon and Holden their first ice cream truck experience.

Tiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La Jolla


The Cave Store + Sunny Jim’s Cave:

I never knew this awesome place existed and I’ve lived in San Diego now for 10 years. It’s a cute little store filled with treasures and trinkets along with a staircase that leads down to an ocean cave. Waylon was a little scared but I held his hand while walking down and then carried him on my back (with a baby strapped to me) all the way back up those 140 steps. I counted that as my workout for the day!

*Please enter our giveaway below to be eligible to win some of the products we absolutely love.

Tiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaTiny Travels: La JollaLaJollaChrissy&Isobel-PalomaLisaPhotography-523LaJollaChrissy&Isobel-PalomaLisaPhotography-531-2LaJollaChrissy&Isobel-PalomaLisaPhotography-492LaJollaChrissy&Isobel-PalomaLisaPhotography-526-2LaJollaChrissy&Isobel-PalomaLisaPhotography-499-2LaJollaChrissy&Isobel-PalomaLisaPhotography-514-2LaJollaChrissy&Isobel-PalomaLisaPhotography-542-2
Photography by Paloma Lisa and videography by Juice Box Media

10 Responses

  1. Oh my goodness, what a fun day! I definitely want to try some of these places with Icarus, especially the little cave!!! Also the kid in the cape kills me, so super fun. Thanks for sharing your travels <3

    1. Oh and my favorite place to travel with my little one is to Guajome Park! It’s only about five minutes away and we love to go on hikes exploring and collecting leaves and feeding the ducks… until the geese come along and mama chickens out and we run away haha. I need to get more adventurous with my travels though!

  2. Beautiful photos! Looks like a fun day! And I love this series idea. We are traveling this summer with our 4 and almost 2-year-old across the country in a teardrop trailer we are building. People think we are crazy sometimes but we drove over 6,000 miles with them last summer and they did amazing!

  3. You make traveling with littles look like an awesome fun adventure. And so stylish! #momgoals

  4. We are new to the San Diego area and I’m so excited to explore these new places with my little guys!!

  5. I would love to win the giveaway. I entered on Instagram but I’m not sure where to enter here.

  6. We are taking our little man to Sweden this June to experience his first midsummer, I can only hope we find an ice-cream truck there. Waylon and Holden looked too cute holding their sweet treats.

  7. Beautiful photos ! It looked like such a fun trip! I havent been able to travel with my new baby yet, but i cant wait to do so! I would love to visit california!

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