Waylon starts his second year of pre-school in 2 weeks and I’m not really looking forward to it. I’ve made the best memories with my boys this summer on our various mini trips…I don’t want them to end. I know when we get back into the school routine there will be new joys and memories, but watching Waylon and Zeke learn through our travel experiences has been so sweet! I’m vowing to continue our “tiny travels” as long as my children want to see new places with me. There is no replacement for the education of experience. Our last summer trip before school starts was to the beautiful little town of Carpenteria on the Californian Central Coast for a family wedding.
We decided to take the train instead of driving and sitting in the dreaded LA traffic and it was so much fun. To begin, I wanted to share some tips on traveling alone with 2 kids. I usually try to pack all our things in one bag and give Waylon the opportunity to pack some items he wants to take in his own backpack. In partnering with SWISSGEAR I was able to pack all the things I needed for beach, bedtime, playtime, wedding time… you name it, I packed it. I had to load 2 car seats and a jogging stroller with our luggage on the train. Boarding a train with two kids, two car seats, and luggage intimidated me but I streamlined this task by balancing the carseats on the stroller, wearing my baby, having Waylon wear his own backpack, and wheeling our SWISSGEAR Spinner with my free hand.
The train ride was a huge success. We saw more of the coast that we love, met new friends (that incidentally didn’t mind sitting next to a mom with two kids), and we shaved 2 hours off of our normal drive time. I know that our travels might slow down soon as we get back to that “school year life”….but I have a feeling we will be packing our new SWISSGEAR “Spinner” bag soon to head out on our next adventure.
This was a sponsored post for SWISSGEAR but like always, all thoughts and words are my own.
One Response
For Summer holidays train journey is the best option to get new friends and fun filled vacations. Pack a luggage for all and if you have kids along with you take all necessary things for them.