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Weekend Reads

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It was a busy week for us shooting photos in L.A. with Old Navy for their summer line. Let me tell you friend they have some fun stuff coming out so mark you calendars in May to check them out. This weekend will be a whole lotta catching up on normal life while celebrating Easter and all the hope that brings with family and friends. It’s been a while since I’ve posted about the things that I’ve read, want to read, or links that have caught my eye…so here are some podcasts, articles, websites, music…the whole shabang… I think you might like these links. Happy Easter dear ones!

  • …I’m obsessed with all things Ballet so I’ll be checking out City.Ballet on YouTube.
  • …Got to work with photographer Kat Bourchart all week and I’m loving her work!
  • …Loving Old Navy’s Spring Summer collection and I think I need this floral dress.
  • …Just discovered a collective of artists and creators who create sacred art and experiences for the spiritually homeless and frustrated. Their latest podcast on racism in America was so enlightening and eye opening. Take a gander for sure!
  • …Listening to the “Big Little Lies” soundtrack on repeat and loving it.
  • …The reason I love Shoshanna and am over girls that aren’t nice. 😉
  • …This book “Heart Made Whole”  by Christa Black Gifford is changing me in many ways and teaching me how to deal with unhealed hurt and pain; its chalk full of invaluable wisdom from an author that’s dealt with trauma and come through it a more whole person.

Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend!



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