Cozy Coupe VW DIY

Cozy Coupe VW DIYThe iconic Cozy Coupe! We’ve had one for each of our children and it’s provided so many hours of fun play. This is a great rags to riches story. We found this “Police Cozy Coupe” on the side of the road when our 8 year old son was 1 years old. We took it home and it’s been with us since. A couple months ago I saw that they had DIY’d a Cozy Coupe to look like a VW van and it blew my mind and my daughter’s as well.

This is by far my favorite DIY that I’ve done all quarantine and the end result is just too cute.

Here’s how to makeover your Cozy Coupe to transform it into a bitchin’ VW van!


Cozy Coupe VW DIY

Watch the video below to see how I transformed our beloved Cozy Coupe.


Cozy Coupe VW DIY


Cozy Coupe VW DIY Cozy Coupe VW DIY Cozy Coupe VW DIY

Cozy Coupe VW DIY

Cozy Coupe VW DIY

Cozy Coupe VW DIY

Cozy Coupe VW DIY

Cozy Coupe VW DIY

Happy DIYing!



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